The main change up for summer is EXFOLIATING and SPF
In the summer cleanse 2 or more times a day
Use your normal face wash. (Non-Alcoholic is usually best)
When our body temps rise it causes our skin to produce excess amounts of pore clogging oil. Exfoliating is so great to clean out those pores and sluff off dead skin. Exfoliating also reveals fresh new skin and evens skin tone!
St. Ives Apricot Scrub is a no brainer- (use it for face and body!)
*love this product!

In the Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. You always tone to balance PH levels and close pores!
So toning your skin is way more important than I thought. (I've probably only toned my face a handful of times in my life, eek!) After some research I'm thinking Kiehl's Cucumber Herbal Alcohol Free Toner is the best choice toner. This is going on June's Wish List and 'm starting pronto!
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize, with SPF, SPF, SPF! This is of course an every season and every day part if your regimen.
You may want to go even higher with the SPF too. Keihl's Ultra has been my go to. I may move up to an anti-aging version but It's always been good to me. Also been trying to pay attention to my neck and chest when I moisturize. The older versions of ourselves will be SO thankful!!
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